Berkeley City College Wellness Center
If you find yourself needing support, you can call 211 for local resources.
If you just need to talk with someone you can call the Warm Line at 855-600-WARM (9276). 24/7
If you don't feel like talking and just want to text you can text the word COURAGE to 741741. 24/7
If you are in Crisis - please call 911 or 988 for help. 24/7
Our Mission
Our mission at the Wellness Center is to reduce barriers to academic success by providing health and wellness support. We strive to foster a community of care that recognizes and values the dignity, and diversity of all of its students.
Learn more about the Student Health Clinic open to all Peralta Community College Students.
The Wellness Center offers individual counseling and connects students to mental health resources.
P2P Wellness Ambassadors available to help with Venting/Listening Sessions and assistance with finding a community provider.
If you or someone you know is struggling with difficult life circumstances or uncomfortable thoughts and emotions, we are here to help.
A list of local providers that can connect you with medical, mental health, crisis support, housing support, and legal support.