Veterans Resource Center
Welcome to the Veterans Resource Center
Hours and Contact
Monday: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Tuesday: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Wednesday: 09:00 am – 03:30 pm
Thursday: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Friday: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED
Room 347
Veterans Resource Center Coordinator
Jeejun Bertuso
How to Get Started
First time using benefits at BCC
Follow these easy steps if you are trying to receive benefits as a vet at BCC for the first time
- Apply to Berkeley City College
- Apply for your Benefits (view a list of benefits on this page below)
- Speak to a VRC Counselor
- Submit other transcript and complete evaluation
Create a Student Education Plan with your counselor per Step 3.
Enroll in Classes in Campus Solutions in your Student Portal
- Attend VRC Orientation
- Submit Initial Certification
- Apply for Financial Aid (*required)
Continuing or returning students previously Certified within 3 years
- Make a VRC Counseling Appointment
- Update your student plan in Campus Solutions in your Student Portal
- Enroll in classes in Campus Solutions in your Student Portal
- Submit a Request for Re-certification
Not using benefits but want access to BCC student veteran resources?
Apply to BCC and submit your DD-214 & Government Issued ID @ Rm. 345. For details steps go to Getting Started at BCC
What you get
- Priority Registation
- Access to VRC resources and services
Be more than a student - become part of a Community!
Veterans Benefits
- Ch. 30 – MGIB Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty
The Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (MGIB-AD) can help you pay for education and training programs. - Ch. 31 – VR&E Veteran Readiness and Employment
If you have a service-connected disability that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, Veteran Readiness and Employment (formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) can help. - Ch. 32 – VEAP Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program
You may be able to continue your education by using part of your military pay to help cover the cost of school. - Ch. 33 – Post 9/11 MGIB Post-9/11 GI Bill
The Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) helps you pay for school or job training. If you’ve served on active duty after September 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill - Ch. 1606/1607 – MGIB-SR Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve
The Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) program offers up to 36 months of education and training benefits
Dependent Benefits
- Ch. 33 – Post 9/11
Find out if you can transfer any of your unused Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to your spouse or dependent children. - Ch. 35 – Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance
If you’re the child or spouse of a Veteran or service member who has died, is captured or missing, or has disabilities, you may be able to get help paying for school or job training through the DEA program—also called Chapter 35. - Fry Scholarships
Learn about the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (Fry Scholarship), a scholarship for children and spouses of certain Veterans. - Cal Vet College Fee Waiver
The College Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents benefit waives mandatory system-wide tuition and fees at any State of California Community College, California State University, or University of California campus.
Campus Services
There are a wide variety of resources across the Berkeley City College Campus for you to take advantage of - more info on some useful tools coming soon.
Non-VA Educational Benefits
- Community Colleges Promise Grant
For eligible California residents, the California Community Colleges Promise Grant permits enrollment fees to be waived. - Federal Pell Grants
Apply by first filling out a FAFSA - more info at the above link - Cal Grant
The Cal Grant is a California-specific financial aid allocation that does not need to be paid back. Cal Grant applicants must apply using the FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application by the deadline and meet all eligibility, financial, and minimum GPA requirements of either program.
There is also the VRC Voucher:
Need food, gas, clipper card and other emergency needs? The Veterans Resource Center has you covered! We have different types of gift cards that are available for eligible veterans and dependents who may need additional financial support. Please see details of eligibility below.
Note: If the voucher you wish to access is no longer available, please speak to our Veterans Resource Center Coordinator for additional resources available outside of the campus
- Student veterans and dependents must complete a Financial Aid Application through FAFSA. The result of being approved or denied does not disqualify eligibility.
- Finally, student veterans and dependents are required to have an up-to-date SEP for the current term.
- Student veterans and dependents must be currently enrolled to classes for the current term with a pursuit rate of part-time status.
- Student must complete or re-complete the orientation through this link: to understand the different on-campus support services for all students.
Please contact, VRC Coordinator, Jeejun Bertuso at to request for a voucher.
Additional Veterans Benefits
- Veterans receive Priority Registration
- BCC has a staffed Veterans Resource Center here to help you
- Veterans Work Study
- In-State tuition
Member of the U.S. Armed Forces (Cal. Ed. Code § 68075):
Any military members who are stationed in CA and on active duty, not for educational purposes, are granted a waiver of non-resident tuition for as long as student maintains eligibility requirements.
Student needs to fill out the California Residency Questionaire Form and submit to the Admissions and Records Office on the 1st Floor at Berkeley City College
Child or Spouse of a Member of the U.S. Armed Forces (Cal. Ed. Code § 68074):
Dependents of Member of the U.S. Armed Forces who is stationed in CA and on active duty are granted a waiver of non-resident tuition as long as parent/spouse maintains eligibility requirements. If parent/spouse transfers or retires, dependent shall not lose residence so long as student remains continuously enrolled at Berkeley City College.
Student needs to fill out the California Residency Questionaire Form and submit to the Admissions and Records Office on the 1st Floor at Berkeley City College
Former Member of the U.S. Armed Forces:
Cal. Ed. Code § 68075.5: Any military members who were stationed in CA and were on active duty for more than one year immediately prior to discharge are granted a waiver of non-resident tuition up to the minimum time necessary to become a resident. Exemption must be used within two years of discharge. Disqualification: a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge.
Student needs to fill out the California Residency Questionaire Form and submit to the Admissions and Records Office on the 1st Floor at Berkeley City College
Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (Veteran’s Choice Act or VACAA) (38 U.S.C. § 3679):
A student who lives in California and uses education benefits under Chapter 30, 31, or 33 is granted a waiver of non-resident tuition regardless of his/her formal State of residence. Under the provision of Isakson and Roe Veteran Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, section 1005, the requirement for covered individuals to enroll in a course at a public institution of higher learning within three years of being discharged to receive in-state tuition is no longer required effective August 1, 2021.
A covered individual is defined as:
- A veteran, or
- A spouse or dependent child using transferred benefits, or
- A spouse or dependent child of a person whose active-duty transferor dies, on or after September. 11, 2001, in the line of duty, or
- A spouse or dependent child using transferred benefits and the transferor is serving on active duty effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after July 1, 2017;
- Students who initially qualify under the applicable requirements above maintain “covered individual” status as long as they remain continuously enrolled
Student needs to fill out the California Residency Questionaire Form and submit to the Admissions and Records Office on the 1st Floor at Berkeley City College
Active Duty Who Are Residents of California
Active Duty military members who are residents of California stationed outside of state can establish California resident by providing proof showing home of record is California such as Enlisted Record Brief, and the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). The LES indicates the military’s home of record is California.
Student needs to fill out the California Residency Questionaire Form and submit to the Admissions and Records Office on the 1st Floor at Berkeley City College. For more information, please visit the district Admissions and Records Residency Requirements Page or contact
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