Title IX
What is Title IX?
Most people think Title IX is just for schools with Athletics, but did you know that Title IX also promotes and opens the door for women and girls pursuing math and science? It requires fair treatment for pregnant and parenting students, and protects all students from bullying and sexual harassment, among other things.
Quick Links:
- 1-minute video about Title IX: KNOW YOUR IX
- Unclear about Affirmative Consent? Click to watch an informative video on consent
- Understanding Sexual Violence: Myths and Facts about Sexual Violence
- How to report: Complaint and Investigation Procedures for Employees and Students
- Confidentiality Information: Berkeley City College Confidentiality
- Notification and Investigation Information: Berkeley City College Notification and Investigation Procedures
Student Sexual Violence and Harassment Training
Under AB 2683, California community colleges are required to, (1) annually train its students on sexual violence and sexual harassment as part of established campus orientations, (2) require students attending the college to self-certify that they have completed their annual training within six months of the beginning of the academic year, and (3) post educational and preventive information on sexual violence and sexual harassment on its campus internet website. You may read the entire memo from the state chancellors office here.
Students, please complete the Sexual Harassment Prevention at Your Community College Compliance Module :
Each module is available to download and address various aspects of sexual violence and harassment training, including:
- Sexual Harassment Prevention at Your Community College
- Understanding Sexual Harassment and Its Impacts
- Preventing Sexual Harassment
- Recognizing and Responding to Sexual Harassment
- The Title IX Experience
Once you have finished your student training, take this survey to acknowledge you have completed the required training.
Community Resources, Policies, and Forms
Title IX Information:
- Dear Colleague Letter
- Title IX and Sex Discrimination – Office for Civil Rights
- Policy Guidelines for California Campuses Addressing Sexual Assault, Dating, Domestic Violence and Stalking
Community Services and Resources:
- Berkeley City College Resource Page
- Alameda County Resource Guide
- Alameda County Public Health Department
Policies and Procedures: