Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at
A note for new and returning students: You must have an active student ID# to register for our program. If you have not already, please go through the steps on the Apply Now page. Returning students – if you have not registered for classes at any of the Peralta colleges in the past two terms, you will need to re-apply to the college.
Students can access AIM through their student portal.
- Click here for the application for Student Accessibility Services.
- Returning students who have already filled out an application in AIM can log into AIM to request accommodations.
- Have your verification of disability on hand. You will be prompted to upload it during the second step of the application.
- Schedule an appointment with a SAS Counselor by emailing
- If possible, obtain transcripts from other colleges or high schools for education planning.
- Please review the Student Rights and Responsibilities and Policy Guidelines for Services.
About SAS & Eligibility
Berkeley City College’s (BCC) Student Accessibility Services (SAS) operates under mandates set forth in Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; and Title V of the California Code of Regulations. These laws and regulations govern:
- Who can be served;
- The procedures required to determine if a student qualifies for services;
- The types of services that can be offered.
In order to receive services through SAS, students must have a disability that poses an educational limitation and prevents the student from equal participation in college classes, activities or services. Such disabilities may include (but are not limited to):
- Mobility, visual, hearing, or speech disability
- Learning disability (LD)
- Acquired brain injury
- Intellectual disability
- Psychological disability
- Other chronic or health-related limitations that create a barrier to educational access.
Our mission is to provide accommodations and assistance to students with disabilities that facilitate their achieving their educational goals. We are committed to ensuring that students receive equal access to all programs and services. To that end, we seek to balance the student’s right to access with our obligation to protect the integrity of our college’s programs and services.
Students with disabilities attending BCC and enrolling in classes are expected to meet course goals as outlined in the class syllabus. SAS services provided depend on:
- the individual student’s verified disability;
- his or her educational limitations;
- the course requirements
A review of each student’s progress is conducted on semester-by-semester basis. This review ensures that the student is making measurable progress toward his or her stated goals, and that the services provided are appropriate to the student’s educational needs.
Service Area Outcomes
- Create Educational Assistance Courses that provide adaptive strategies for students with disabilities to address their educational limitations to ensure academic success and/or to address career and vocational barriers.
- Develop resources for faculty to create equal access for students with disabilities in the academic environment
- Develop written resource materials for students to better utilize SAS services
During the second step of your application, you will be prompted to upload your verification of disability. Documentation verifying a disability may include, but is not limited to:
- high school special education plans (IEPs);
- medical records or reports;
- psychological evaluations or assessments;
- LD testing from another California community college.
- If you do not have documentation, you can take our Verification of Disability form to a qualified professional who has working knowledge of your disability.
- The qualified professional must complete, sign, and date the professional section of the form.
- A qualified professional may include a physician, a psychologist, an LD Specialist, or other licensed professional.
All disability-related information provided by students is kept strictly confidential. This information is accessible to SAS only.
Contact Us
Please note:
- Currently, the most consistent way to get in contact with us is through
- All meetings will be held over Zoom or by phone.
- While working from home, many of us are calling out from restricted numbers. If you are unable (or don’t want) to receive restricted calls, please make sure to request a zoom meeting with your counselor.
Elissa Jaw Coordinator/Counselor |
(510) 981-2835 | |
Jean Rowland Academic Counselor |
(510) 981-2973 | |
Jessica Kumar Academic Counselor | | |
Roberto Gonzalez Alternate Media Specialist |
(510) 981-2826 | |
Tamar Sahakian |
(510) 981-2929 | |
Gail Rulloda |
(510) 981-2929 | |
Roberto Alvarenga | | |
Dolores Harshaw Staff Assistant |
(510) 981-2813 | |
Lynn Massey Staff Assistant |
(510) 981-2812 | |
Paratransit Reimbursement
Attention PSSD students:
The Peralta Community College District now extends transportation reimbursement to students who rely on Paratransit services for their commute to school and other school-related events. For more information please click on to the following link:
Academic Accommodations
To afford students with disabilities equal access to BCC’s programs and activities, we offer academic accommodations. Academic accommodations allow students the same participation available to students without disabilities and may come in the form of services or alternate methods designed to help students meet academic tasks. Accommodations are prescribed by the SAS counselor based upon review of the student’s individual needs, the documentation of disability, a student’s course selection, and a student’s academic goals. Academic and disability-management counseling are available throughout a student’s participation in SAS.
Academic accommodations may include but are not limited to:
- priority registration
- note-takers
- assistive technology
- specialized equipment
- interpreters or steno captioning
- testing accommodations
- alternate media
Test Proctoring for Students
To take a test with extra time:
- Fill out the proctored test scheduling form at least a week in advance.
- Testing begins at 9:15AM, and you must be finished by 4:45PM.
- You will be able to print your responses for your records after submitting.
- We will send a confirmation email within two business days confirming that your test has been scheduled or letting you know of any conflicts.
Taking Proctored Exams on Campus
Come to the SAS office (261) at or before your scheduled test time to check in.
- You will leave your belongings and cellphone in the locked SAS cabinet while you take your test.
- Please make sure your cellphone is off or on silent.
- Bring any materials that you will need for the exam (pencil, pen, scantron, blue/green book, line/graph paper, etc)
During your exam
- If you need to use the restroom, please bring your exam to the office first.
- Restroom breaks are counted as part of your exam time
- You may bring drinks into the exam room.
- At the discretion of office staff, you may be allowed to bring snacks into the exam room.
- Nothing crunchy, smelly, or likely to be an allergen.
- If you make a mess in the testing room, you will lose this privilege for the remainder of the term.
Note: If cheating occurs, the exam will be stopped and the instructor will be notified. All materials will be held for instructor action.
When you are done, return your exam to the office (261). You may then collect your things and go.
Please make sure you have everything before you leave.
Test Proctoring Instructions for Faculty
Asynchronous Classes
For students who only require extra time and/or a distraction-reduced environment, we ask that instructors provide the extra time by changing the student’s individual CANVAS settings to increased time. Students are advised to contact their instructors in advance of a test, reminding the instructor of their accommodated testing time and any other modifications (i.e., short breaks during testing). The student may “cc” our testing email,, so we may remind the instructor of the accommodation, and provide the letter of accommodation, if necessary. If a student requires more extensive assistance such as typing or scribing answer or reading aloud test questions, arrangements can be made for a scribe.
Synchronous Classes
As with asynchronous classes, students should contact their instructors in advance of an exam, and copy SAS staff will verify the accommodation time and any other testing modifications.
Since the student has extra time on for the exam, please consider the following options:
- Let the student sign into Canvas and begin testing earlier than the rest of the class. The start time should reflect the additional testing time.
- Let the student remain in Canvas when the class is over. The stop time should reflect the additional testing time.
- If an instructor is notified by a student who has tests in consecutive synchronous classes, please consider changing the start time so the student can successfully complete both tests. If the rescheduled time is the same day, allow time for a break between exams, or divide the exam in two parts on separate days. If the student is not taking the exam at the same time of the class and you are concerned about test integrity, please consider giving the SAS student an alternate version of your test.
Please avoid “moving” a student from one digital platform to another during a test.
Again, if a student requires more extensive assistance such as typing or scribing answer or reading aloud test questions, arrangements can be made for a scribe.
On-Campus Classes
- Students schedule tests at least one week in advance by filling out this form:
- SAS sends a confirmation email during normal business hours confirming that the test has been scheduled.
- SAS will contact the instructor for the exam, rules, and duration.
- For Canvas tests taken in the classroom, SAS will notify the instructor of the extended time allotted and the time the student intends to start the exam. The instructor will need to modify the time in Canvas prior to the start of the exam.
If the student can’t take the test at the scheduled time, Instructor approval must be received to take a test at a different date or time.
Instructors may administer an accommodated test themselves; it is not mandatory that a SAS student take a test with SAS.
Please do not move a student to a different location once they have started testing.
If a student presents a letter of accommodation a few hours prior to the test, please honor a request to change the testing time. If you have a question regarding this, please contact our office at or room 261.
Request for Specialized Furniture
When students are unable to use the standard furniture in a classroom due to a disability, they may make a request for specialized furniture to use during their course. Requests for specialized furniture can be made in two ways:
- A student may schedule an appointment with the SAS office to apply for services. After certificated staff review the verification of disability and determine the need for services, the SAS staff will coordinate with the Business Office to arrange for specialized furniture to be brought to the student’s classroom(s).
- A student may also make the request to the instructor for specialized furniture due to a disability. The instructor may then work directly with the Business Office and/or their manager to have specialized furniture brought to the classroom.
Please note that classrooms will have at least one adjustable table available for a student who has need due to a disability, regardless of whether the individual is registered with SAS. If there is need for more than one adjustable table in a classroom for students with disabilities, please refer to the aforementioned steps to install additional tables. Also, furniture may sometimes be moved by staff or other students to different classrooms. In order to retain the specialized furniture for the intended classroom, we advise that a “Do Not Remove” sign be placed on the furniture with the classroom number printed on the sign for the duration that the student is enrolled in the course.
Learning Disabilities Services
The mission of learning disabilities (LD) services is to empower students to see themselves as confident, competent learners who can, with hard work and the support of SAS, achieve their academic goals and go on to be contributing members of society.
Definition of Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities are learning difference or challenge that affects the way a person takes in, remembers, understands, and expresses information. Learning challenges may be found in one or more of the following areas: reading comprehension, spelling, written expression, math computation, and problem solving.
The term “learning disability” is a generic term used to describe a large group of people, however no two individuals who have LD have the same experience. The challenges each person may face are as unique as they are. Learning disabilities are also called “invisible disabilities” because there no visual cues that allows others to know that a student with LD is having difficulties in school or in their lives.
LD Services
Assessment and evaluation of eligibility for LD support
Accommodations and services based on individual assessment results
Identification of a student’s learning strengths and challenges
Learning strategies and techniques
Referral to other resources
NOTE: The assessment that is done in the community colleges qualifies a student for academic accommodations and other services related to LD; it is not a diagnosis of LD.
LD Assessment Eligibility and Enrollment Guidelines
Eligibility Guidelines
A student wanting to be assessed for a learning disability must meet the following eligibility criteria:
must be enrolled in classes at Berkeley City College (BCC)
- experience academic difficulty now and/or have a had special education services in in high school, middle school or elementary school
- present a history of LD: special education services
- The student must first meet with the LD Specialist and determine if LD assessment is an appropriate next step.
- If assessment is appropriate, the student will set up the first appointment with the LD Specialist.
- Once the assessment is complete, the student and the LD Specialist review the results of the assessment. The LD Specialist determines if the student’s assessment results meet the eligibility criteria as determined by the California Community Colleges Chancellors’ Office.
- A summary report of the LD assessment is given to the student and another copy is placed in the student’s file.
Due to the increased number of students requesting LD assessment, priority for LD assessment will be determined as follows:
- BCC students who have a history of learning challenges, but no documentation of LD;
- BCC students who are transferring to a 4-year institution and need updated assessment to qualify for services at the 4-year institution;
- BCC students with I.E.P.s from the K-12 system who need an adult assessment to qualify for services in the community college setting.
NOTE: If you have already been assessed for learning disabilities, drop off a copy of your documentation in Room 261 and schedule an appointment with a SAS Counselor who will review the documentation and prescribe reasonable accommodations.
Students with psychological, mobility, visual, and other disabilities will be referred to a SAS Counselor or to the SAS Coordinator for review of their documentation to determine eligibility for disability related accommodations and services.
Six Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For LD Assessment Services
1. How do I get assessed for LD?
Please fill out the SAS application and schedule an appointment with an SAS Counselor for intake.
You may indicate on your application that you are interested in being assessed for a learning disability.
A counselor will refer you to the LD specialist for testing, if appropriate.
Students must be currently enrolled in Berkeley City College to be assessed.
2. How is it determined who will be tested?
After a student has been screened by the LD Specialist, those who appear to meet eligibility criteria, i.e., a history of learning problems in reading comprehension, spelling, mechanics of writing, math computation, or problem solving (not due to another disability) will set up an appointment to start the assessment. Once the Intake Packet is completed, the L.D. Specialist and the student will review it. If further assessment is the appropriate next step, the student and the LD Specialist will schedule appointments to complete the assessment process.
Students will be selected to continue assessment based on the priorities as listed above.
3. How long does the testing take?
The process involves up to 15 hours of work over the course of the semester. This includes the evaluation for assessment eligibility, the LD Intake Packet review session, 9 – 10 hours of assessment, and an exit interview given at the end of the assessment process.
4. Do I have to do the assessment all at once?
No, the assessment is done in 1-to-2 hour intervals over the course of the semester, although there will be 2(3) hour appointments. The LD Specialist does all of the assessment on a one-to-one basis. Appointments are made for the assessment sessions by the LD Specialist in agreement with the student.
5. What do I get out of the assessment process?
A student will find out if she or he qualifies for LD services. If a student is eligible for services, the LD Specialist will review the assessment results with the student, explaining the student’s strengths and weaknesses in learning. The LD Specialist will also talk about strategies and accommodations that may be helpful to the student. The student will then be referred to a SAS Counselor to assist with education planning and the accommodations process while taking classes at Berkeley City College.
If a student enrolls in classes at another Peralta College, the LD report and assessment results can be sent (at the student’s written request) to the disability support programs at the other campuses so that accommodations and other services can be continued.
If a student does not qualify for LD services, the LD Specialist can make other recommendations or referrals to the student.
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Contact Information
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 9:00 – 4:45
Front Office:
(510) 981-2812