Spring 2019 Elections and Voting [maxbutton id="1" text="ONLINE VOTING" ]
Please join Berkeley City College's #Arabic language students, the Arab Film and Media Institute/Ara...
The 9th Annual FELI (Five-Day Experiential Learning Institute) will be hosted at Berkeley City Colle...
Spider-sense tingling! Berkeley City College now has a Comic Book Club and they're hosting a free sc...
The Latinx Leadership Cultural Club at Berkeley City College is hosting a free movie screening of Do...
The Berkeley Underground Scholars Initiative, a joint program between UC Berkeley and Berkeley City ...
Celebrate with the Women's Leadership Club & BCC President Rowena Tomaneng on March 3 and 7 at C...
BCCs Muslim Student Association, MSA, invites you to our upcoming events! We have a lot planned this...
Come join us for poetry by BCC students, guest poets from the community and an open mike. We'll also...