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Looking For an on Campus Job?

Apply Now!

Apply to be an Ambassador


Application Opens: Spring 2021
Deadline to Apply: April 16th, 2021

Applications will be done online and you will need a resume for submission – reach out, get help and start working on yours today! 

 *please review the sample timeline so that you are aware of the potential important dates

We are looking for eager individuals who are:

✓ Interested in growing in their leadership role
✓ Interested in becoming more professional in the work environment
✓ Interested in supporting new and continuing students at BCC
✓ Committed and passionate about promoting educational success!

Please review the Job Description to find out more about responsibilities and qualifications

Minimum Requirements:

✓ Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
✓ Have at LEAST one full year left at BCC (a full year is comprised of 3 full semesters)
✓ Be a full time student (5 unit minimum)
✓ Able to attend mandatory weekly staff meetings every Wednesday from 12:30pm-1:30pm
✓ Must have the ability to show up on time frequently for the majority of their shifts

*The link to the job description has the complete list of qualifications- BE SURE TO REVEIW IT