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Happy Holidays from President Richardson

As the Fall 2023 semester comes to a close, I wanted to celebrate our accomplishments and wish you a restful, joyful, and warm holiday break. The past year has been eventful at Berkeley City College and the Peralta Community College District. I wanted to share my appreciation for your unwavering service to students and each other as we look to build on our successes and tackle our challenges.

Fall 2023 was the strongest semester for enrollment since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, with BCC leading in meeting its goals for Full Time Enrolled Students and productivity among the four PCCD colleges. The collective work of BCC’s esteemed faculty, classified professionals, administrators, and student workers was crucial to achieving this goal. I admire all of your continued energy and contributions in outreach, retention, and service to students. Those qualities are reflected in the awards and recognitions BCC received over the year – being named an Equity Champion for the sixth year in a row by the Campaign for College Opportunity, being awarded our second HSI Title V grant “Adelante,” and becoming a CVC Teaching College with the most quality badged courses of any Peralta College, to name a few.

I’m looking forward to continuing to build on these accomplishments as we begin achieving the goals of Equitable Student Completion laid out in BCC’s 2023-2028 Educational Master Plan. I would like to recognize the work of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee as we draft actionable ways that Berkeley City College can close equity gaps, build strong community partnerships, and closely examine data to prepare for continued growth and changes in our environment. I’m also looking forward to celebrating the history of Berkeley City College as our 50th Anniversary is on the very near horizon. It was so wonderful kicking off the cheer at our Holiday Party last week. It was amazing to see you all show your spirit for BCC and each other.

With that, I would like to share my appreciation for the support and kindness you have shown me during my first 6 months at BCC. I am honored to work with you, to hear your stories of helping students and each other, and to see and feel the commitment to Berkeley City College’s diversity and excellence in transforming the lives of our students. I wish you all a holiday filled with happiness, warmth, and sparkling moments with loved ones and friends, and I look forward to being in community with you in the new year.


Denise Richardson, Ed.D.

President, Berkeley City College