Learning Outcomes Assessments

Welcome to the Berkeley City College (BCC) Learning Outcomes and Assessment website. BCC is committed to evidence-based decision-making for continuous improvement of student achievement and success and elimination of equity gap in disproportionately impacted student groups.

Outcomes and Assessments play a critical role in BCC to achieve this goal. Led by the College’s Assessment Committee, the College engages in a 3-year cycle of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) assessment, Program Learning Assessment (PLO), and annual review of the Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO).

This page will provide you with BCC’s Learning Outcomes and Assessment framework, Cycle, Timeline, and institutional calendar of Learning Outcomes and Assessment schedule.

In addition, there is resource information regarding CurriQunet Meta which is the tool and repository of all information relative to SLO, PLO, and ILO for instruction, Student Services, Academic Support Services, and Administrative Services. You can review the instructions for using CurriQunet Meta so you can review the most current SLOs, assessment results, action plans, and outcomes of the action plans.

Course Assessment Cycle Activities

Please use this site to find information about student learning outcomes (SLOs) and SLO assessment, as they relate to specific courses, programs, student services, and institutional learning outcomes at Berkeley City College.

CurriQunet is the repository for all information about SLOs and SLO assessment at BCC. It contains the most current versions of SLOs for all courses, instructional programs, and student services areas. See the instructions for using CurriQunet (on the left) to view SLOs, assessment results, action plans, and results of action plans.

On this site, you can also find an overview of the SLO assessment process and other information about SLO assessments at BCC.

To create or update SLOs, work with your assessment liaison and department chair.

If you’re interested in continually improving instruction in the classes you teach, please consider using some of the classroom assessment techniques described here.  

Finally, the Teaching and Learning Center (see link on the left) is a powerful tool at BCC for closing the loop on assessments by providing a venue for faculty to collaboratively arrive at and implement action plans related to assessment findings.  The focused inquiry groups (FIGs) are used primarily to develop action plans, and the action plan projects for learning excellence (APPLEs) are used to implement those plans.

Please feel free to send related questions and comments to Kelly Pernell at kpernell@peralta.edu.


Multiple Levels of Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Course Student Learning Outcomes (Course SLOs)

are learning outcomes that we expect students to achieve after they have completed a course.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
  • are learning outcomes we expect students to achieve after completing a degree or path of study.

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

represent the skills and knowledge that students are expected to attain as a result of completing an instructional program at BCC. Students completing an Associate Degree at BCC will be able to demonstrate all of the BCC Institutional Learning Outcomes. All BCC courses and certificates are designed to teach some or all of the ILO’s. In addition, students achieve these ILO’s throughout their experiences at BCC, for example, with student services and student clubs.

2019-2023 ILO Assessment Schedule

Communication Students show that they communicate well when they:


  • critically read, write, and communicate interpersonally, with audience awareness; and
  • analyze communications for meaning, purpose, effectiveness, and logic.
  • work effectively with others in groups

Assessment Rubric

Critical Thinking Students demonstrate critical thinking skills when they:


  • identify problems or arguments and isolate facts related to arguments;
  • use evidence and sound reasoning to justify well-informed positions; and
  • generate multiple solutions to problems and predict consequences.

Assessment Rubric

Computational Skills/Quantitative Reasoning Students demonstrate computational skills when they:


  • master computational concepts and apply them to concrete problems; and
  • demonstrate algorithmic competence.

Assessment Rubric

Ethics and Personal Responsibility Students show the ability to act ethically and assume personal responsibility when they:


  • analyze the consequences of their actions and the impact of these actions on society and the self; and
  • demonstrate collaborative involvement in community interests.

Assessment Rubric

Global Awareness and Valuing Diversity Students demonstrate global awareness and show that they value diversity when they:


  • identify and explain diverse customs, beliefs, and lifestyles; and
  • analyze how cultural, historical, and geographical issues shape perceptions.

Assessment Rubric

Information Competency Students demonstrate information competency when they:


  • find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in all its various formats;
  • use library and online resources and research methodology effectively; and
  • use technology effectively.

Assessment Rubric

Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)

are explicit statements describing knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or attitudes that a student will be able to demonstrate at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular lesson, course, program, or collegiate experience.

Assessment Process

What is SLO Assessment?

At BCC, for each course and program, we conduct original research relating to student learning outcomes (SLOs) in order to gain insight into how effectively we are teaching and students are learning.  We apply the results of that research in order to improve instruction and student services.  The details of these research initiatives, findings, and related plans for improvement  are stored in Curricunet (see the Curricunet link and instructions for accessing Curricunet, both to the left).

Each SLO assessment uses a specific tool to measure how well students are achieving SLO’s.  This tool can be an essay, test, student performance, survey, or other indicator of student achievement.  The faculty or other parties (in the case of student services, for example) choose the most appropriate tool and, if necessary (when the measure is an essay or student performance, for example), develop a rubric or other measurement instrument which can be consistently applied, as well as a system for applying the measure with a high level of accuracy; for example, if they use a rubric, multiple raters might score the different criteria, in which case these scores would be compared to ensure their reliability.

After the assessment is complete, those faculty and/or other parties most involved in the specific SLO’s analyze the results and determine how to use them to improve students’ success in achieving SLO’s. For example, they might decide to change or augment instruction in a particular way, change curriculum, or improve future SLO assessments in a specific way.  This ends the first cycle of assessment and leads to revisiting the student learning outcomes and starting a new cycle.

Assessment Loop


Developing Student Learning Outcomes

Please express each student learning outcome as a phrase which begins with a verb and broadly expresses what students will be able to do when they complete the course (for example, “identify the central figures, movements, and events that have shaped the African American experience” or “use advanced techniques from a bitmap imaging program to generate digital images”).  The SLO should be “measurable.”

SLO Form for Course Outlines

Assessment Methods

  • ILO assessment – Samples of work from this class will be included in the ILO assessment this semester.
  • Essay assessments – a rubric developed by the department will be applied to essays from this course. The categories in the rubric will be clearly tied to SLOs for the course.
  • Test questions – Student responses to collected test questions will be assessed in relation to course SLOs.
  • Surveys – Students will be surveyed in relation to their learning of the course SLOs. This assessment tool is appropriate for courses in which a direct assessment is not possible, for example, courses in which students are working on different skills or at different skill levels.
  • Other assessment methods, as appropriate to the course – Please be specific as to the tool and method of assessment.

Findings and Analysis

After assessing…

Action Plans

The following are not strong action plans:

  • The teachers will focus on the following areas…
  • The teachers will improve instruction in the following areas…

These are not clear, specific improvements that are likely to result in improved student learning.

The following are strong action plans:

  • The course outline will be changed in the following significant and specific ways:
  • Teachers of this course will participate in a focused inquiry group (FIG) or Action Plan Project for Learning Excellence (APPLE), as follows:
  • The following additional course materials will be developed (include attachments of the new course materials):
  • The course sequence will be changed as follows:
  • The SLOs will be changed as follows:
  • The assessment tool and/or assessment process will be changed in the following significant way(s):
  • The course textbook will be changed so that the new textbook meets the following criteria:
  • Course assignments will be changed in the following specific way(s):
  • Online materials will be developed for the course as follows:

Status Update: Closing the Loop

How to Document Assessment Work

You can find BCC’s SLO Assessment information at https://peralta.curricunet.com/. Use your full Peralta email address and Curricunet password to access the system.    After you log in, be sure to select “Assessment.”

For step by step directions to create a proposal for course assessments in Curricunet, click here.  Step by step directions for service areas coming soon.

If you do not have a Curricunet account, contact Nancy Cayton, BCC’s Curriculum & Student Learning Outcome and Assessment Specialist, at ncayton@peralta.edu.

Student Learning Outcomes for Syllabi

To find the current student learning outcomes for a course, you can access the course outline through Curriqunet Meta within the Peralta Portal or go to https://peralta.curricunet.com. If you already have a Peralta Curriqunet account, log in and then type the course number in the search box on the landing page. You may need to uncheck the box for “My Proposals.” From the search results, find the entry that is active and click on “outcome outline” in the Reports column. This will provide a PDF file of the course outline with the SLOs.  New courses or courses with updates may have an “approved” version prior to the semester in which they become effective.

If you do not have a Peralta Curriqunet account, you can still access the course outline without logging in.  On the log in page, use the filters at the top right of the screen.  Select the campus from the first drop down menu and then “Course” on the second one. You can continue to the “Subjects” and “Status” filters or enter the discipline and course number into the keyword search box. Click on the search button. Results will appear by name and title. Click on the “Reports” button to open the course outline.

Be sure to use leading zeros when typing course numbers.  For example ENGL 1A should be typed as ENGL 001A.

If you would like a log in for Curriqunet, contact Nancy Cayton, Curriculum & Student Learning Outcome and Assessment Specialist at BCC, at ncayton@peralta.edu.

Assessment Committee

Meeting Calendar

Assessment Committee Meeting Schedule 2023-24

The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month, 12:30-1:20 p.m. in room 341 with an option to join by Zoom.   The Zoom link is always sent out campus-wide via email with the agenda at least 72 hours before the meeting.  If you would like to attend and can’t find the link, contact the Specialist or the Assessment Coordinator.

The committee will also host office hours on the third Tuesday of the month, 12:30-1:20 p.m by Zoom.  Office hours sessions are open to all for assistance with assessment-related needs.  Zoom links will be sent out to the college community via reminder message.  If you would like to attend and can’t find the link, contact the Specialist or the Assessment Coordinator.

In Person Committee Meetings


1st Tuesdays

12:30-1:20 pm

Remote Office Hours


3rd Tuesdays

12:30-1:20 pm

September 5, 2023 September 19, 2023
October 3, 2023 October 17, 2023
November 7, 2023 November 21, 2023
December 5, 2023  
February 6, 2024 February 20, 2024
March 5, 2024 March 19, 2024
April 2, 2024 April 16, 2024
May 7, 2024 May 21, 2024

2023-24 Committee


Area Represented

Contact Information

Kelly Pernell SLO Assessment Coordinator & Mathematics kpernell@peralta.edu
Jenny Gough American Sign Language (ASL) jgough@peralta.edu
Jennie Braman Arts and Cultural Studies & TLC Coordinator jbraman@peralta.edu
vacant Business/Computer Info Systems  
Fatima Shah Counseling fshah@peralta.edu
Adán Olmedo English amolmedo@peralta.edu
Sepi Hosseini English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) shosseini@peralta.edu
Heather Dodge Library hdodge@peralta.edu
Juan Miranda Modern Languages jmiranda@peralta.edu
Rebeccca (Becca) Wolff Multimedia Arts rwolff@peralta.edu
Julia Chang Sciences jchang@peralta.edu
Richard Kim Social Sciences rkim@peralta.edu
Kuni Hay Vice President of Instruction khay@peralta.edu
Nancy Cayton Curriculum & SLO Assessment Specialist ncayton@peralta.edu
vacant Student Services/Administrative
Meeting Agendas (Fall 2020 - Spring 2024)
Meeting Minutes (Fall 2020 - Spring 2024)
Additional Meeting Materials (Fall 2020 - Spring 2024)

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020