
Languages, Stories, and Ideas



English courses and programs develop and enhance students critical thinking, research, creativity, and writing skills. It is also serves as a cornerstone subject in all transfer pathways.

For English Majors

The English Associate of Arts for Transfer is designed to help English majors successfully transfer to English programs at CSU or UC campuses.

Completion of this degree (with a GPA of 2.0 or better) provides guaranteed admission to a CSU as an English major (or closely related major).

For those who wish to transfer to the University of California as English majors, The English Associate’s Degree for Transfer (ADT) at Berkeley City College is an excellent option:

For students transferring from BCC to…

B.C.C. English ADT courses fulfill…

Are remaining requirements available at BCC?

U.C. Berkeley

All requirements except one

Yes, every semester

U.C. Davis

All requirements except one



All requirements


U.C. Santa Barbara

All requirements


U.C. Santa Cruz (Literature)

All requirements


What English Courses Should I Take?

All students are eligible to enroll in English 1A and should enroll in their first semester.

English 1A is a course that gives you foundational college-level skills in writing, reading, and research – skills that you will use throughout your college career and beyond. Taking this class in your first semester will help you succeed in college because you are required to use these skills in many of your other college courses and it’s a prerequisite to at least one other class that you will need to transfer or get your associate degree.

Some students will enroll in English 1A by itself, and others will enroll in English 1A PLUS. In English 1A PLUS, you’ll receive help from your teacher and well-trained writing coaches in a supplemental lab course to maximize your chances of success. The lab portion of the class will provide you time and space to start assignments, check your learning, ask questions, and practice what you learn in the English 1A lecture.

Your counselor will advise you about choosing either English 1A or English 1A PLUS.

The Berkeley City College Writing Center

We offer writing workshop classes that will give you consistent support to improve your writing skills :

English 208 (A, B, C, or D): Writing Workshop (1 unit) or English 518 (A, B, C, or D) (0 units)

This course is intended to supplement work in all classes which require essay writing, based on student needs. It is not a drop-in lab. Students will receive coaching to develop the skills they need to plan, organize, develop, edit, and revise their own work. They will have the benefits of ongoing structure and support.

A limited amount of tutoring in writing is available through BCC’s Learning Resources Center (LRC).
Please email or for more information.

English Degrees

college-student-reading-in-library English
Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T)
_O5A1113 English Language/Writing
Associate in Arts (AA)

English Certificates

Portrait worried young woman thinking dreaming has many ideas looking down isolated grey wall background. Human emotions feelings life perception. Decision making process concept. Creative Writing - Fiction
Certificate of Achievement
_F0A2975 Creative Writing - Poetry
Certificate of Achievement
sentence Academic Composition Skills
Certificate of Competency
two students being tutored by an instructor Tutor Training

Certificate of Completion




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