Career Education
Whether you’re just starting to explore your career options or already have some experience, Berkeley City College offers various Career Education courses designed to fit your needs. Our courses and programs aim to provide quality career education and training, educated support and advising, industry certifications, and internships. Take the next step in your professional journey and enroll in a Career Education course today!
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Want to check what you would be earning after your program completion? The salary calculator can tell you just how much our programs are worth. Our Programs can get you where you need to be.
CE Advisory Committees
Social Work and Human Services
Bob Redlo | Interim Executive Director, East Bay Health Workforce Partnership |
Bruce Ingraham | Vice President Emeritus, Senior Helpers |
Claudia Gonzalez | Dean of Student Services Berkeley High School |
Lisa Cook | Dean, Liberal Arts, Berkeley City College |
Melina Winterton | HUSV program coordinator, Berkeley City College |
Midhun Joseph | Adult Education Liaison, Berkeley City College |
Nathan Dahl | Community Development Coordinator, City of Berkeley |
Sanjida Mazid | Manager Workforce Development, Education and Training, Alameda County Behavioral Health |
Skyler Barton | Counselor, Berkeley City College |
Sonja Herbert | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Tim Rose | Chair, Social Science Department, Berkeley City College |
Yamini Bhatnagar | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Benjamin Allen | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Emmanuel Onyeador | Academy Director, Oakland Tech High School |
Joseph Beilanski | Articulation Officer, Berkeley City College |
Karen Croley | Project Manager Career Education, Berkeley City College |
Katherine Bergman | Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator San Francisco Bay Area, CA Community College, Chancellor’s Office |
Joya Chavarin | Interim Dean of Math, Science, Business and Applied Technology, Berkeley City College |
Kuni Hay | Vice President, Berkeley City College |
Lindsay Anglin | Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator (Bay Area), Foundation for California Community Colleges |
Mary Clark-Miller | Co-Chair Multimedia Arts Department, CE Liaison, Berkeley City College |
Mark Frey | Teacher at Skyline High School, Oakland |
Nancy Cayton | Curriculum & Student Learning Outcome and Assessment Specialist, Berkeley City College |
Olivia Herriford | Bay Area Community Colleges Consortium |
Paramsothy Thananjeyan | CIS and Business Department Chair, Berkeley City College |
Ray Kaupp | Regional Director, Employer Engagement, ICT and Digital Media at Bay Area Community College Collaborative |
Rebecca Lacocque | Oakland Unified School District, Linked Learning & CTE Director |
Richard Grotegut | Technology Consultant, Director WASTC Elevate CTE, San Jose |
William Morgan | Software Engineer at Applied Materials, Berkeley |
Biotechnology and Analytical Chemistry Advisory Committee
Azul Lewis | Chemistry Technician, Berkeley City College |
Barbara Des Rochers | Faculty, Director Biotechnology, Berkeley City College |
Danika LeDuc | Associate Dean, College of Science, California State University East Bay, Hayward |
Deborah Budd | Former President, Berkeley City College |
Deepti Tanjori | Interim Program Head, ABPDU, JBEI, Berkeley |
Claire Robertson | Lawrence Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore |
Erika Yeh | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Jamie Acosta | Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley |
Julie Saba | Sr. Scientist, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco |
Karen Croley | Project Manager Career Education, Berkeley City College |
Kuni Hay | Vice President of Instruction, Berkeley City College |
Michel Faure | Director, Ensigna Biosystem, San Leandro |
Natalia Fedorova | Science Laboratory Coordinator, Berkeley City College |
Pieter de Haan | Co-Chair Science Department, Biology Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Randy Yang | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Ryan Bremer | Assoc. Director, Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Newark |
Thomas Maimone | Assist. Prof. Dept of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley |
Sam Gillette | Co-Chair Science Department, Chemistry Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Scott Blitch | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Siraj Omar | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Wayne Spevak | Sr. Director of Chemistry, Plexxikon, Berkeley |
Yu-chien Chou | Operations Manager, Ensigna Biosystems, San Leandro |
Motion Graphics Advisory Committee
Adrian Martinez | Graphic DesignerDesigner, Vi Creative – Animation/Motion |
Ariel Shepard | student, Berkeley City College |
Benjamin Ng | Graphics Designer, Rick House Media Motion |
Christopher Richard Bernal | Freelance Motion Designer on contract with Apple, Cupertino |
Gwyan Rhabyt | Chair Art Department California State University East Bay, Hayward |
Jeff Paul | Video Motion Graphics Designer, Apple, Cupertino |
Marvin Han | Motion Graphics Editor, GoPro |
Mary Clarke-Miller | Co-chair Multimedia Arts Department, Berkeley City College |
Michel Bobot | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Monica Cappiello | Department Director of Digital Art and Animation Cogswell |
Natalie Newman | Co-chair Multimedia Arts Department, Berkeley City College |
Valerie Mih |
Creative Director and Content Creator, Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Digital Imaging and Digital Photography Advisory Committee
Bijan Yasher | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Brad Boca | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Chris Roche | Professional Photographer, San Francisco |
Mary Clarke-Miller | Co-chair Multimedia Arts Department, Berkeley City College |
Natalie Newman | Co-chair Multimedia Arts Department, Berkeley City College |
Nicolo Sertorio | Visual Artist, Oakland |
Tressa Pack | Faculty, Berkeley City College |
Education Teacher Preparation Program’s Advisory Committee
Cecilia Terrazas | Assistant Principal, Madison Park Academy |
Eric Engdahl | Director of Credential Programs, California State University East Bay |
Jeffrey Taylor | Principal, McClymonds High School OUSD, BCC Pace Graduate |
Juan G. Berumen | Faculty, University of California, Berkeley |
Katherine Bergman | Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator San Francisco Bay Area, CA Community College, Chancellor’s Office |
Loretta Kane | Former Education Program Coordinator, Retired Berkeley City College Faculty |
Nina Goldman | Manager, Berkeley’s 2020 Vision Interim Secretary, Peace and Justice Commission |
Pamm Shaw | Director Strategic Funding and Partnerships YMCA of the East Bay |
Randi Wolfe | Executive Director, Early Care and Education Pathway to Success (ECEPTS) |
Ron Rosenbaum | Former Principal, Albany High School and Former School Board Member Albany Unified School District |
Sarah Glasband | Employee Retention and Development, Talent Division, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) |
Theresa Williams | Former Vice Principal, Oakland Technical High School, OUSD |
Val Williams | Former Superintendent Albany Unified School District |
Federal, State, and Local Funding
- Strong Workforce Program (SWP) To develop more workforce opportunities and lift low-wage workers into living-wage jobs, California took a bold step in 2016 to create one million more middle-skill workers. At the recommendation of the California Community College Board of Governors, the Governor and Legislature approved the Strong Workforce Program, adding a new annual recurring investment of $248 million to spur career technical education (CTE) in the nation’s largest workforce development system of 115 colleges.
- Perkins Federal Grant The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) provides CCAC with federal funding for student support staff, instructional equipment and professional development for faculty and staff. The goals of the Perkins Grant are to help Career & Technical Education students earn better grades, remain in school, and graduate with an Associate Degree or Certificate as well as the skills necessary to pursue employment in current or emerging high-priority technical professions while supporting gender equity across all career pathways.
- CIRM Bridges to Stem Cell Research and Therapy The CIRM program in stem cell research and therapy will prepare students, including many from underrepresented and underserved communities, for jobs and careers in biology and biotechnology.
- Bayer Grant “Expanding Equitable and Inclusive Access to Biotechnology Careers for Berkeley High School Graduates” On December 19, 2022, Bayer announced an investment of more than $1.5 million with Berkeley City College and 12 other Berkeley nonprofits to advance Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education over the next three to five years and to drive resiliency in the West Berkeley neighborhood. The agreement between Bayer and Berkeley City College is for expanding equitable and inclusive access to biotechnology careers for Berkeley High School graduates attending BCC. Specifically, Bayer has committed to hiring Berkeley High graduates now studying at BCC in paid internships. These students will receive work-based training supported by Bayer, including mentoring by Bayer staff.
Career Resources
- BCC Career and Transfer Center BCC Career and Transfer Center offers workshops and webinars to create professional career documents (resume, LinkedIn profile, etc.), provides resources for career research and assists students with finding jobs, internships and volunteering opportunities.
- Salary Surfer The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is providing comparative information about the earnings of recent California community college graduates who received an award in a specific program of study. Salary Surfer uses the aggregated earnings of graduates from a five-year period to provide an estimate on the potential wages to be earned two and five years after receiving a certificate or degree in certain disciplines.
- Career Coach Career Coach is the online service to help you find career pathways matching your strengths and discover programs at Berkeley City College preparing you for success. How does it work?
- Create an account and take one of the online career assessments to learn about yourself and your preferences. Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests.
- Search for careers. The site will provide data on wages, employment, and training.
- Browse the available programs at BCC leading to the career you want.
BCC Summer Program 2024-25 for High School Students and Early College Credit
Complete the Peralta Summer Institute Interest Form. Check your emails or text messages for enrollment communications and next steps. If you need assistance, contact
Step 2 - Peralta Admissions Application
Complete the Peralta Admissions Application. The enrollment fees are waived for high school students.
Students who have previously attended a PCCD college and are returning after missing a semester or more must also submit a new application.
Complete the course registration process provided to you through your email or text messages.