Academic Senate


Academic and Professional matters mean the following policy development matters:

  • Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites.
  • Degree and certificate requirements.
  • Grading policies.
  • Educational program development.
  • Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success.
  • College governance structures, as related to faculty roles.
  • Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes.
  • Policies for faculty professional development activities.
  • Processes for program review.
  • Processes for institutional planning and budget development.
  • Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon.

The Academic Senate is comprised of all currently employed faculty both contract and adjunct with all rights and responsibilities.

The Academic Senate shall elect an Executive Council from its membership, hereinafter referred to as the Exec. The Executive Council shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary/third District Academic Senate (DAS) representative, and At-Large Senators and shall serve as the representative body of the Academic Senate. At-large senators are elected by individual departments with the numbers for each department listed in Article I of the By-laws to this Constitution, as well as a provision for an adjunct faculty representative. Any member of the Academic Senate may be elected to the Executive Council. (For purposes of clarification, no faculty member can hold more than one position in the Executive Council).

For more information, please read the Constitution of Berkeley City College Fall 2019

Senate Membership

2023-24 Academic Year
Name Committee Role
Matthew Freeman President
Gabriel Martinez Vice-President
Kelly Pernell Secretary
Carolyn Martin (Proxy) Arts & Cultural Studies Senate Representative
Peter DuBois Business/CIS Senate Representative
Joseph Bielanski Counseling Senate Representative
Jenny Lowood English & Education Senate Representative
Osa Kauffman ESOL Senate Representative
Jenny Yap Library Senate Representative
Mark Rinker Mathematics Senate Representative
Anne McCormick Modern Languages Senate Representative
Jenny Gough ASL Senate Representative
Mary Clarke-Miller MMART Senate Representative
Randy Yang Sciences Senate Representative
Melina Bersamin Social Sciences Senate Representative
 Joya Chavarin Part-time Senate Representative

Elected BCC Senators for 2022-24 Academic Years


Resolutions recommended by the BCC Academic Senate

Recommendations the Academic Senate for Berkeley City College (BCC) has forwarded through the BCC and Peralta participatory governance committees as well as any resolutions the Senate has passed.

2020-21 Academic Year

2019-2020 Academic Year

 2018-2019 Academic Year

2013-2014 Academic Year

On 18 September the Academic Senate moved to recommend to the Roundtable the following campus goals as recommended to the Senate by the Assessment Committee: 1) The college should increase hours of availability for computer labs to accommodate students who need morning, evening and Saturday hours  (based on CCSSE results), 2) The college should implement an academic advising program as soon as possible (based on CCSSE results), 3) The college should complete plans for all Institutional Learning Outcomes assessments at the college (based on ACCJC Standards). Motion accepted by the Education Committee and Roundtable.

Also on 18 September the Academic Senate moved to recommend to the Roundtable to add to the “Charge” of the Assessment Committee the following as suggested by the Assessment Committee Chair J. Lowood: 1) to plan and conduct Institutional Learning Outcome assessment and other large assessments, 2) to ensure that all course, program, and ILO assessments are completed, based on the published timeline. Motion accepted by the Education Committee and Roundtable.